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written by Ödön von Horváth
italian traslation by Umberto Gandini and Emilio Castellani

a study by Luca Micheletti
set design and VJing by Valentina Fariello

Diego Baldoin (Preparatore)
Teresa del Giudice (Elisabeth)
Francesco Errico (Preparatore capo)
Roberta Indiogia (Hermine)
Franco Magnone (Pretore)
Sylvia Piacenza (Irene Prantl)
Alexandro Sentinelli (Ispettore)
Andrea Sola (Alfons Klostermeyer)

Winds Ensemble conducted by Giacomo Bertazzoni:
Simone Cocina, Rebecca Comotti, Federico Contino, Rebecca Comotti, Emilio Federico, Giulia Morosi, Valeria Palmiotto, Federico Soffientini

music by Giuseppe Blanc, Fryderyk Chopin, Johann Strauss padre, Giuseppe Verdi
electricians Fernando Prageeth
photos by Denise Nani

a project by LabArca | FuoriluogoTeatro